Mason World Winterguard
Welcome to the Mason Winterguard website!
We are a competitive winter guard ensemble in AIA and WGI focused on a solid fundamental foundation and personal growth through the arts. We also service campus spirit events with the Green Machine and Drumline.
The GMU Winter Guard competes in Independent World Class.
Contact us at greenmachine@gmu.edu

Registration for 2020 auditions is live! Follow this link to pre-register for GMU Winterguard auditions: https://tinyurl.com/masonauditions
Time: Auditions are planned for Sunday, September 8th from 10am-6pm.
Place: We will be convening at the HUB Ballroom on George Mason University Fairfax Campus (link here).
Parking: Auditionees can park in Lot K on GMU campus for free by printing out a weekend parking permit (link here for permit, link here for Lot K address, and directions from Lot K to HUB Ballroom here). All other parking on campus is either paid or requires a GMU parking permit. Please visit parking.gmu.edu for more information.
Registration at the door is allowed (credit or checks made out to "George Mason University" only).
Auditions are open to all to come and gain experience; however, only those 18 years or older and graduated from high school will be considered to become a competing member. Once you have completed registration, you will receive an email confirming your order.
Questions about auditions? Please email greenmachine@gmu.edu.

Mason Open performing at AIA Woodbridge 2019. 1st Place - Score: 71.0