Emily Barone

Patriots Fife and Drum Corps
Ensemble Co-Director
Fife Instructor
Green Machine Ensembles
Email: ebarone4@gmu.edu
Emily Barone is a native of Baltimore, MD. Her musical studies began on piano at age seven from her grandmother and Santa Fe Opera Company singer, Valerie Murphy. Emily began studying the flute at age nine and the fife at age 12. She attended the Peabody Conservatory of Music and received a Bachelor’s of Music in Flute Performance and in Music Education, as well as a minor in Early Music. Her principal teachers have included Ms. Sara Nichols and Ms. Laurie Sokoloff on flute/piccolo, Ms. Gwyn Roberts on baroque flute, and Mr. Donald Heminitz on fife. Emily is very involved in historic flute music and field music research. Emily has been a Fife Instrumentalist in the United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps since 2016, where she has arranged performance music for the ensemble and currently oversees the Center for Martial Music, a center for field music research. Emily is very dedicated to fostering the fife and drum folk art tradition and is currently serving as the Secretary for the Company of Fifers and Drummers. She is also a core member of the ensemble “Music of the Regiment” (est. 2023), a performance and research collective dedicated to 18th and 19th century wind band music.
Emily is also very passionate about animal welfare and animal behavior, primarily in a shelter setting, and she loves spending time with her pets and working with animals at the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria and Wholistic Hound Academy in Alexandria, VA.